Post 7: Changes to my study programme (Ψ)

Hello everyone! The truth is that in general the study program of the Psychology career seems super good and complete, because I believe that each branch is very important for the training of future psychologists and also all are connected to each other, that is why I do a lot of meaning. However, I think that the way of managing the transversal branch was not correct, since we were many students and there was not much coordination on the part of those who taught the course, which made learning difficult.

There are also the CFGs, which was a real problem for our generation, given that the majority were left without any general training course and those who remained were a minority, I think there should be better management by those responsible for that. it will not continue to happen for years to come.


On the other hand, it seems to me that the academic load is quite a lot, because we spend many hours in front of the computer and after class we have to continue doing things at the university, which consume us all week and we don't do it. have time to share and socialize with our family and friends.

The duration of the degree seems good to me, I think it is the right time to train good professionals. I could not say much about the facilities, because the truth is that I do not know the faculty, I only went once to leave some documents.


In terms of technology, the U-course platform is very good, I think it is a good resource for students and everything is too organized. Finally, it seems to me that the teaching methods are adequate, the teachers are really good at what they do and their way of teaching motivates me to learn.


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