Post 6: Postgraduate Studies 🤍

When I finish studying the career of Psychology that I am studying, I would be interested in studying a postgraduate degree.

One of the main reasons to study a postgraduate degree is to improve some skills and, at the same time, improve the job qualification. In the same way, employability would increase, since only the bachelor's degree in a society focused on continuous training is no longer enough. Postgraduate degrees increase the prestige of the person, since when they obtain a specialization they become part of an elite of professionals much more qualified than others.

The subject that I would like to study is the Master in Social Psychology, which is focused on integrating, in the professional practice of the student, the concepts and methods of action pertinent to the interpretation and intervention in phenomena of social and legal relevance. A commitment is assumed with local communities, affected by psychosocial problems, to the extent that they are the ones who can, through participation, generate solutions. Likewise, there is a commitment to victims affected by violent crimes, especially those derived from family victimology.

This master's degree lasts two years and I would like to teach it in Chile and perhaps later work abroad, in a developed country and live in it.

In my case, it would be easier for me to study the course part-time, so I could also work in conjunction with my studies.


  1. I love social phsycology! I deserved you the best! <3

  2. I think that master's degree is very interesting, you'll be a great social psychologist!

  3. Hi Caroo, wow, social phsycology its cool!!

  4. I really like the area of ​​social psychology, I hope you can do the postgraduate, success!

  5. Hii!! I think the area of social psychology is very important, it is good that you are interested in this. xoxo


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